Scary has Finally arrived in sunny South Florida, and none the worse for wear I might add. He is well and fit, albeit a bit pale and wanted to immediately catch a few rays poolside. He seemed to really enjoy it.

After a brief respite in the sun..he made a new friend in the garden...Isn't it wonderful how quickly he adapts???

I am really looking forward to showing Scary around town and have him here as our guest.
Stayed tuned to see some amazing and fun photos of Scary and me.
WELCOME TO FLORIDA SCARY MONSTER!!! I'm so happy you are here.
Oh, good, he made it! He does look a bit pale so make sure he gets in plenty of pool time. You are going to take him to the beach, aren't you? Perhaps now you can answer that age-old question: what do scary monsters eat? Looks like he's made a really good friend in the garden gnome.:)
Of course we are going to the beach..and I have some other spots to enjoy with him as well. So far he has not eaten anything...he really is no bother..
I'm so glad he is here
Hilarious! Scary and the gnome look like they are fast friends.
Looks like that garden gnome has some prurient interest in monster. Is he goosing Scary with some pole there?
Maybe they're just good friends.
Ahh, now that I read the comments, I see this is the general prognosis. Very good then.
Scarey is not only cute, but lovable too!
Me be plenty happy to meet Mr. Gnome. He be scarier and shorter than me.
Be certain to get some monster strength sun block, me burns easily, you know.
Me ate at Red Lobster tonight and the couple at the next table took one look at me and asked their waiter, "how much for the giant sized meal?"
He looks so at Gnome, is he staying long????
Corn Dog - Welcome to my blog. Yes, Scary and Mr Gnome have gotten along swimmingly..glad I had a magical friend on hand for Scary to commune with.
lbb - It is a spade that the gnome is holding and as far as I know..or can tell.. it wasn't used for anything but digging in the garden..heaven only knows what they are digging up or burying back there..the next morning, everything is right in place...
Little Lamb, he is SO lovable...a pleasure to have as a guest...wait till you see the newest pics.
Scary...of course I've used extra monster strength sunblock..I'm not fooled by those scales..monsters CAN and DO burn easily!
Queenie..yes he seems rather taken with the gnome, but then again...who isn't?? He'll stay a few more days then I believe he is off to the American WEST...more details to follow.
As another South Florida SM fan, please bring him by South Miami near the hospital so I can say hello.
Kanrei..I'm absolutely a SCARY MONSTER FAN..
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