Thursday, January 03, 2008

I love this....


puerileuwaite said...

I bet his parents are glad that he finally emerged from his shell.

leelee said...

lol....I bet they are too....

NYD said...

Hey, Leelee. Had to get away for a bit. Happy new year to you. Hope that all your dreams and wishes come true. Not only for this year, but for all the glorious ones that follow as well.

leelee said...

NYD! Welcome Home. I know you went to NY.. I have been following your journey (and commenting) over at your blog. I only wish I could have fit in a flight up to meet you and have a cup of cawfee or a slice!

Thank you for your positive wishes for the New Year. I couldn't ask for more. I wish for you the same. I'm glad you are blogging more often, I value what you bring to the blog table as it were.


The Phosgene Kid said...

A gay ol' time with paper!!

leelee said...

Phos, for real..."not that there's anything wrong with it"...but...for entertainment's sake...c'mon, you have to give the guy credit. I think he's very clever.

Queenie said...

Oh! Leelee, were do you find them? Gong to see Madam Butterfly again in Feb, hope I don't burst into tucks of giggles after this.