| Pick and Choose Survey
|  |
| | | Cat or Dog | Dawg | Short or Long Hair | on me...short | Innie or Outie | innie | Sunshine or Rain | Sunshine | Moon or Sun | Sun | Basketball or Football | Football | Righty or Lefty | Righty | Hugs or Kisses | Hugs AND Kisses | 1 Best Friend or 10 Acquaintances | 10 best friends | bf/gf or Best Friend | best friend | TV or Radio | TV | Starbucks or Jamba Juice | Starbucks | McDonalds or Burger King | BK | Summer or Winter | winter in Florida | Snail Mail or E-Mail | email | Playstation or Xbox | couldn\'t tell you | Disney or Nickelodeon | Disney | Car or Motorcycle | car | House Party or Club | House Party | Sing or Dance | Sing | Freak or Slow Dance | slow dance | Yahoo Messanger or Other | MSN messenger | Google or Yahoo | google | Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com |
Me took the same quiz. Carefully did Me craft the kind of answers that would tickle and delight (Me were seven sheets to the wind by then) And when me went tho get the code, the site went batty! Everything got messed up. It were like having an ATM eat your card just before you go out drinking.
I hate when that happens Scary..and you can never go back and repeat your answers (or comment).
7 sheets to the wind huh? Hope you didn't drive anywhere!
No worrys there leelee. Me never operates anything more powerfull than me computer when me be in me cups. Me did have a problem keeping the mouse from racing throught the obstacle course of toys that surround me machine though.
Happy Easter Leelee :)
Finished book #2- cried! It was wonderful. I look forward to reading the last one this weekend at the beach- it'll be cold, so it's a good weekend to snuggle up with a book :)
(And hubby has to work- so the book would be the right thing to snuggle up with! lol :)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Somehow, I missed this at S-J's (I'm moving right now, so I'm not really on top of the blogstuff).
Cat or Dog.............. Dog
Short or Long Hair...... short
Innie or Outie.......... innie
Sunshine or Rain........ rain
Moon or Sun............. Sun
Basketball or Football.. YUCK
Righty or Lefty......... righty
Hugs or Kisses.......... hugs
1 Best Friend or 10 Acq. 1 best
bf/gf or Best Friend.... same thing
TV or Radio............. NPR
Starbucks/Jamba Juice... Homemade
McDonalds or BK......... YUCK
Summer or Winter........ Winter
Snail Mail or E-Mail.... e-mail
Playstation or Xbox..... ???
Disney or Nickelodeon... ???
Car or Motorcycle....... Moto
House Party or Club..... house
Sing or Dance........... Dance
Freak or Slow Dance..... Slow
Yahoo Messanger/other... ???
Google or Yahoo......... Yahoo
Mayden.. I cried at the end of #2 as well...and much of her books make me laugh right out loud as well. I am so glad you are enjoying Big Stone Gap.
LBB ...I knew you were a NPR junkie....I am too.. Nice to see you..how is your move going??
And also Brrr. It just dumped another two feet of snow up here. Makes it harder to load the van.
Cheesh LBB...that's no fun, it's hassle enough just to move..sorry for the weather woes..
Where are you moving to?
The last time I asked a woman if she had an "innie", I got smacked.
leelee et al.
P you must be asking the wrong women...That is a fairly inocuous question...no?
/t - Thanks!!
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