Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

I feel such a sense of tragedy and loss today. After the awful events that took place yesterday at Va Tech. My heart is heavy. I want to find answers, but I know there really aren't any. I have a daughter who is a college student.. I can not imagine the pain that the families of those killed and wounded must feel.

I am so very sad.

After I wrote this post this morning. I thought that by perhaps perusing some other blogs I frequent, I could find some solace. I ended up at Phos' Blog and left the following comment, which seems to be my message to myself and to all:

I think we look to God to make everything right as if he had some magical powers. If you believe in God then you may believe that we are made in his image. A God of Love. And yet many turn away from the love..and focus on Hate, racisim, intolerance, war, violence Greed, etc... We keep forgetting that we were born with the gift of free will and the brains to figure out the difference between right and wrong. That is what makes us different from other animals isn't it? Seems some do not bother to take the time or energy to do that.Some days I wonder how long it will be before we just go extinct. We don't seem to be doing such a great job of living in harmony with each other or our planet.God is not the problem..people are.My heart is heavy today..my heart has been heavy since March 2003...all I can do it seems is to try to live a life that reflects the goodness I know is there. The love, forgiveness and tolerance that we were all born with....even in the saddest times.What can I do today that will make the world a better place?~sigh~


Queenie said...

leelee, I couldn't find words to say how sad I feel. Thank you for finding some to express my thoughts.

JL4 said...


leelee said...

Queenie and JL4 - Thanks..I see we are of like minds..

Queenie, head over to JL4's blog...he is quite eloquent at expressing his thoughts and feelings on this (and many) subjects

Mayden' s Voyage said...

I just sent you an email about this very thing...I saw it at Phos's page before I read it here-
Thank you~

Serena said...

It was a horrible tragedy and the effects of it will be felt for a long time to come. That's a beautiful comment you wrote, Leelee, and it's what people need to hear right now.

leelee said...

Mayden, got your note...thank you friend!

Serena...just writing from my heart...felt good to write today..I needed to. Thanks to you as well!!

The Phosgene Kid said...

I think without some religious guidance folks have no moral compass.

leelee said...

Phos..Oh I'm not knocking religion per se...many people do need some sort of intermediary to God... whatever choice you make to God's path is fine by me...I have a relationship with God, that doesn't come from organized religion. Probably a combination of the core ideas from spiritual leaders & Teachers. Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, Muhammed just to name a few. If you look closely their core messages seem to be the somehwat the same. Each is delivering a message of love from God. We only need to listen.

Queenie said...

Leelee sorry but I've tagged you hope you don't mind, blame akelamala. please see my blog..

leelee said...

Queenie...no need for apologies my dear...I am quite honored that you chose me in your 5...WOW!!!! yOU ARE A DARLING! I will play but now I have some decsions to make..and you are right...it won't be easy!!