Friday, July 20, 2007

With the bad, often times comes the good...

There has been a wonderful series this week on MSN called Charity In Iraq. I can't tell you how my heart swells with pride and admiration for the soldiers who are over there doing what they can to assist people ravaged by this awful war.

Please take time to give it a read...these folks deserve our knowledge of what they are trying to accomplish. There is such continual bad news, that it does my heart good to read the positive. I pray that peace and something positive will finally come out of this horror.


Scary Monster said...

Even in the face of horrific human endeavors there will always be those who shine the light of humanity and love upon their brothers and sisters. These people ought to be leading the country, not fixing others' mistakes.


leelee said...

My goodness Scary, that was beautifully said..and I couldn't agree more..


puerileuwaite said...

Sorry, I can't possibly improve on Scary's sentiments. Well said.

leelee said...

That's some monster we have!!