Sunday, October 21, 2007

3 of my 6


If this doesn't put a smile on your face...well, I just don't know what will.


Mayden' s Voyage said...

What a joy to have these little ones in your life~ I can tell they are well loved and happy :)
Just like you :)

leelee said...

:-) Thanks Cora...They are indeed one of my great joys in of these days,I'll have you meet them when I come up there!!

Anonymous said...

uh oh...

cute kids alert!

* just kidding * :)

( i'm smiling, see? )


Scary Monster said...

Hello. I had to look at your picture again to make certain that I don't need glasses. You are a grandmother?
I find that so very difficult to believe. You look young enough to be the children's Mother. I noticed that you have the same frog picture that Mayden does. Are you two connected?

I like the George Bush countdown clock. I sincerely hope that you yanks will do a better job next time around.STOMP!

leelee said...

aww /t.....they are so very cute...thank you...I mean..those smiles....they are

leelee said...

Hi Punny!! I really do love that punkin' head and I don't care who knows it. Thank you my new globus pal for the kind compliment...///the children's mother/// aren't you a dear....I will say however that they are teh children fo my oldest step daughter..but dare I say I am certainly old enough to have my own for any case, the call me ...that's that!. Thank you for stopping by my blog...probably not the most interesting blog out there, but it's my little corner!!


Serena said...

It certainly put a smile on my face. How adorable!

leelee said...

Then day is complete :-)


The Phosgene Kid said...

Well, puppies. Puppies make me smile, especially black and white Siberian kind of pups. The kids are cute, for not being huskies.

Sean said...

the smile's firmly fixed

Corn Dog said...

Adorable children. What a great picture.

leelee said...

Huskie's they ain't..but they are house trained as well. so that's something ;-)

Sean, nothing like the smile of a child to put one on your face..:-)

Corn, thanks friend..I didn't sna the pic, but I sure do agree...GREAT PICTURE.

puerileuwaite said...

One of them looks like yours truly as a munchkin (before I became a Pug). I even still have the dress!

NYD said...

I've always wanted kids like that, smiling and well behaved. If I actually had a child he/she would most definitely turn out to be a menace.

leelee said...

I'll bet you bronzed your baby shoes as well Pugsly!

leelee said...

NYD - Oh the menace children are what keeps it interesting...I can attest! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.