Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Schlomo, Rudolph's Cousin


Ed & Jeanne said...

Bwahaha. Looks like one of the got all the antler action and the other...not so much.

Serena said...

Cute! I feel sorry for the poor deer that got slighted, though.:)

puerileuwaite said...

I want to believe that deer are hunted for their meat, rather than for their beliefs.

leelee said...

I know VE, the other one got jipped (sic?)..but wow...some set of horns huh?

Serena - I tapped into that soft spot in your heart for under antlered deer?

Pug - Lets go with that..


dianne said...

Hi leelee, just wanted to pop over and wish you a Very Happy and Merry Christmas, I hope you have a great day with your family and loved ones. ♥♥

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Merry Christmas...

Is that a Jewish Star he is wearing on his head?

leelee said...

dianne - thanks , so sweet of you..MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours as well.

Vinny - YES...thats why his name is Schlomo...OY! and happy Hannukah!