1976..I was trying to go for the Welcome Back Kotter wife look

In the late 70's I was trying to hold on to something like a hippie look....but those GIANT glasses kind of killed that...and what's with the hat?..."Free spirited Lee" it read under my high school picture....I guess so..huh?

I decided to cut my hair in the 80's and try to make it has HIGH as possible...as you can see I was able to achieve VERY LOFTY heights...how funny! (still trying for the hippie look with the tie dyed vest complete with beads...just can't let that go) That's my girlfriends baby on my lap..how cute is he??????

The 90's brought me to a more subtle look...extra thin housewife stage...finally seem to have moved through my flower child phase. As you can see, I enjoy holding other peoples kids...my daughter is in the lower left. I enjoyed holding her too and still do.
the 90's march on...the glasses are getting a tad smaller or I have gotten a tad larger...lol
Millenium leelee
And leelee last spring with her grandkids (I'm a step grandma)

AND FINALLY.......leelee today

So there you have it...more pictures of me then my own family has probably...thanks for asking...