Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Watch This Video!!

Click on the picture to view the video

The Best War Ever


puerileuwaite said...

I can't even bear the sight of them. Usually I don't wish ill will of people. Not even the occasional jerk in traffic. But these ******** are in a category of their own. I can only hope they experience a bit of the suffering they have caused so many people.

leelee said...

It's pretty sickening P...but what always amazed me..is that through 2 presidential elections Americans actually BOUGHT this crap...I have to say quite honestly, I NEVER EVER EVER for one brief moment in time bought into their propaganda..and I know a few seemingly RATIONAL AND INTELLIGENT people who did...I just could never understand it... it all seemed so obvious to me...

Today I am happy that the majority of Americans have awoken from their collective sleepwalk and have come back to reality again. I feel optimistic today..my faith in voting America has been restored (somewhat).

One last note here...it's so amusing to hear people like Ken Mehlman and Dick Armey today...oh they sound soooooooooooo centrist...it's quite hysterical! Flippin HYPOCRITES...