Friday, June 01, 2007

This was already buried in the news by noon...

But I thought it should be the TOP headline all day and the lead story in tonights news:

Baghdad’s Sunni residents battle insurgents

Locals join fight against al-Qaeda in Iraq; mayor hopes U.S. stays away

by John Ward Anderson
Updated: 5:40 a.m. ET June 1, 2007

BAGHDAD - Sunni residents of a west Baghdad neighborhood used assault rifles and a roadside bomb to battle the Sunni insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq this week, leaving at least 28 people dead and six injured, residents said Thursday.

The mayor of the Amiriyah neighborhood, Mohammed Abdul Khaliq, said in a telephone interview that residents were rising up to try to expel al-Qaeda in Iraq, which has alienated other Sunnis with its indiscriminate violence and attacks on members of its own sect.

"I think this is going to be the end of the al-Qaeda presence here," Abdul Khaliq said of the fighting Wednesday and Thursday, which began over accusations that al-Qaeda in Iraq had executed Sunnis without reason.

The Baghdad battle is evidence of a deepening split between some Sunni insurgent groups and al-Qaeda in Iraq, which claims allegiance to Osama bin Laden. Although similar rebellions occurred in Diyala province earlier this year, the fighting this week appears to be the first time the conflict has reached the streets of Baghdad.

Abdul Khaliq said he hoped U.S. forces would stay out of the fight. "But if the Americans interfere, it will blow up, because they are the enemy of us both, and we will unite against them and stop fighting each other," he said.

The article continues on read here

Now is it just me...or is this welcome news? Do I see Iraqi's actually rising up to fight against the terrorists?? Isn't this what we wanted all along? I say...stay out of their way..let them fight for their country..


Queenie said...

We haven't seen this in the UK papers. Thanks for bringing the news to me. What really makes me angry is how much don't we hear. My nephew has just had a medical discharge from the army, his knee is completely shattered. The story he tells is nothing like what I read or see on the tv.

Corn Dog said...

I've been saying this all along but no one listens. Bring our people home. IF GWB wants to fight, send him.

puerileuwaite said...

You've got it, you crazy towel-heads. We're outta here. Go nuts, you freaks. But bear in mind that anytime you commit crimes against innocents or threaten our interests, we'll be using our bombers in a jovial game of Iraqi Lawn Darts.

Scary Monster said...

It's time to wipe our asses and flush the whole damn thing down the bowl.


leelee said...

Queenie, yes...I saw this on the MSN web page in the morning but by noon it was gone..I never heard any mention of it anywhere else..I'm not really surprised. If EVERYONE knew all the info you'd think they'd be clamoring to get us out...seems pretty quiet out there to me..

No one is listening CD..cept us.

P..I like your take on it..

and Scary...I think you make a valid point as well.

If I'm weary of it..can you imagine the people serving..and their families????...can you imagine laying your life on the line only to hear the people you are helping, say that if you continue to do so they will join with their enemies and kill YOU...they don't want our difficult must it be to contiue on the mission. I think our troops need our support more then ever...donate wherever you can to give thiese folks something to put a smile on their face..or at least a little piece of home.