Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I just sent an Orchid plant to my best girlfriend who is turning 50 on Saturday....she was always the first birthday of the year in our crowd of friends. She was 16 first and got her drivers permit, then 17 and got her license. She turned 18 before us all and was able to buy us beer (drinking age was 18 then), she turned 21 first and so on and so on. We always celebrated her birthday in advance of all of ours. Now we have reached our 50th year. Whoa...HOLD THE PHONE...50!!!?????? Can't be. Why I was just could 50 be here already? Very strange, because frankly I don't feel 50...what's it supposed to feel like anyway. As a matter of fact, I feel better than I have in years. I am exercising more, eating right. My life is joyful, marriage is great...I have much to be thankful for. 50...shmifty! Bring It ON.

In other news I read a fascinating article this morning in Newsweek. You must read this...

All I can say is I am glad that Bush presidency is over, it was an awful 8 years and no matter who wins in November it won't be staus quo. I am rejuvenated by the thought that 22 percent of this country has awoke from its robotic march with this administration and is looking towards change. The spell has been broken and the people are coherent again (ok well, perhaps not all, there is still that 28% approval{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}. The other 50% is looking at historical choices for our next president. Isn't it wonderful!!

Life continues to offer up amazing challenges in my personal growth, self realization and new beginnings. I am so lucky to have some wonderful friends and a growing family (Step Daughter is expecting #7 in September) So much to be thankful for.

Happy 50th Birthday Sue!!


The Phosgene Kid said...

Dunno, looks as though the next election is going to be damned if you do, damned if you don't - it is still the same Washington bunch. I know Billy is hoping Hillary will win so he can have ready access to those juicy interns again...

"amazing challenge in my personal growth" sounds like someone trying to pave over a rough road

leelee said...

I'd have to agree somewhat Phos about it being the same washington bunch..but honestly who else wants to do it? I'd find it amazing if a non-washingtonian could actually compete. I'd also find it refreshing. I am intrigued however by the thought of a woman becoming president. Someone needs to start a trend, might as well be Hillary. She's tough and smart and I'd think she'd be good, I really do.

As far as challenges...isn't that a part of life?? I have paved plenty over some rough roads my I face my challenges head on....I am reminded always that life is a journey, some parts twistier than others, but I am always moving forward. I'm blessed with the ability now to look at things a bit more objectively and ask for support when needed. I find more personal growth from these challenges, which is what I intended to write. Thanks for commenting :-)


Camille Alexa said...

Anything will be better.

Please don't let that statement come back to haunt me.

leelee said...

Hi LBB... I really think anything WILL be. (cept for maybe Huckabee...he's kinda creepy to me)

puerileuwaite said...

50 is okay. It's 55 that I (and Sammy Hagar, apparently) can't drive.

leelee said...

One foot on the brake and one on the gas, hey!
Well, there's too much traffic, I can't pass, no!
So I tried my best illegal move
A big black and white come and crushed my groove again!