Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I was watching the news this evening...

and the anchor was reporting that The Marines were calling for an involuntary call-up for 2500 Marines for another possible 2 year tour!!. The talking heads were saying that the military is weary of fighting on 2 fronts and that the fact that we didn't go into Iraq with enough troops to begin with has really turned out to be a problem. Also there are far less soldiers and Marines volunteering and they have raised the maximum age for new recruits to 42 years old.

So as I was listening to all this I had a thought...could it be..that Iran NOT Al Qaeda..is fueling the insurgency and the civil war there in the hopes that we will NOT leave, but we will stay longer and longer and continue to send more and more soldiers and money into the Iraq war, thus tiring and eventually weakening us to the point where we wouldn't be able to fight Iran of we had to.

Iran is basically giving everyone the finger these days in regard to their nuclear enrichment program and in essence there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Could Iran be behind this civil war in Iraq? we know they are funding Hezbollah...hmmmmmm who "won" that little skirmish in Southern Lebanon..??

In any case...I am no war scholar and although I do follow politics, I tend to be mired in my own opinion and I often run on emotion too. But I thought..this "theory" was somewhat plausible..are they are weakening and dividing this country??..the split appears to grow more and more each day...

what do YOU think? Plausible? or am I totally off my nut?


puerileuwaite said...

Anything is possible, especially when it comes to the Middle East.

And did we learn nothing from Vietnam?

leelee said...

I think our military itself has not been listened too enough..I worry when you have civilians running a war. Hopefully soon, there will be a more qualified Secretary of Defense..someone who actually understands what's going on.

Thanks for your comment P.

eccentric recluse said...

I think you are right, but that points to other situations, none of them pleasant. Sometimes I think that the diplomatic community lets minor questions take center stage, just to avoid dealing with the real issue(s).

Nice editorial cartoon there...

leelee said...

Thanks ER, you may very well be right. I'm not sure they want us to know or think too much, the reality is pretty grim!

Thanks for stopping by!

Me said...

Sadly most voters are little sheep. They actually believe what the politicians are saying at reelection time instead of the actions they did years prior. So of course when it comes to info about the wars, they are going to give as little as possible. They don't want us to form our own opinion or question their decisions. They want a free hand to run the entire world the way they see fit and to hell with everyone else.
The current administration seems to have the policy, "Do what I say, NOT what I do". That's not gonna work with the rest of the world.
And you're right. It is possible we are being weakened but Bush is a ten gallon hat wearin' mofo who will NEVER admit that. It's win at all cost even if the cost is American lives.
I'm hopin' and prayin' things change in November!

leelee said...

A2B, I see your passions run deep. We need to watch out for Iran...I don't believe Iraq was ever the problem...it was always Iran...but now we're there...

Thanks for your response..

JL4 said...

I think you're spot-on

leelee said...

I appreciate your reply JL4...thanks for stopping by!