Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Feelin' alllllllright!

  • 3 Miles walking or 6 miles on the bike

  • Vitamin E

  • Vitamin D

  • Flax seed oil

  • Multi vitamin

  • Calcium with magnesium and zinc

  • Herbal Supplement for lady stuff

  • Low dose aspirin

  • Thyroid supplement

Approximate monthly cost for my daily regimen: $58.00

100% "you're in great health at 49" report from my Dr: Priceless


NYD said...

All that sunshine, walking and love of life must be a pretty good recipe for health and beauty.

leelee said...

NYD - I like to think so..I'm grateful for all I have. Thank you for your kind words.


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Began taking the vitamins...found a multivitamin for 'mature men' bwwahahahahahahahahahahahah
Now to start walking again...

leelee said...

Yeah..everything is silver now..cheesh. Weather is prolly gettin' good there..get out and walk. It feels so good.

HUGS vinny!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Very nice. Where's the apple? It'll keep that doctor away too...

leelee said...

that is very true VE. Look I'm showing you the way to age graciously..follow my lead sonny!


Odat said...

Doesn't it feel great?????
Good for you!!!!

leelee said...

Thanks Odat...it does feel great!


Traveling Bells said...

There is definitely life after 5-0!

Schmoop said...

Well Hooray for you Leelee. Keep it up, and Cheers Dear!!

leelee said...

Awww....this post and the comments have been so life affirming..

Thanks Matt!!

Sandy & Dick - Thanks so much for stopping by..I checked out your place. It does look indeed as if there is life after 5-0..you guys rock!


puerileuwaite said...

Holy Moses! No wonder you're attached to me. But just ONCE I want a gal to like me for me, just like on those eHarmony commercials.

leelee said...

ahhh my puggles..perhaps in a different time...and a different place.......................